During the months of January and February the Odebrecht Engineering & Construction’s (OEC) Compliance team releases the global campaign which aims to reinforce the importance of the Ethics Line, an anonymous grievance mechanism for reporting unethical behavior or misconduct that violates OEC’s internal Policies, Directives and/or the current legislation.
In 2018 the Ethics Line registered 190 new reports, 13% higher than 2017. Out of these reports, a total of 64% are anonymous and 73% were received through the website. During this period a total of 39 disciplinary actions were taken: 14 members were dismissed, 12 have received a warning, two vendors were blocked and 11 new initiatives of training, communication and process improvement were launched.
The Ethics Line is available for OEC Members, Clients, third parties and other stakeholders. The report can be done electronically and/or by telephone. All reports are received by an independent third-party company, ensuring the confidentiality and impartiality of the information. In addition, all reports are investigated and a protocol number is generated in order to follow up the status of the investigation and also to check if any additional information is required in order to conclude the case.
OEC does not tolerate retaliation against any member who reports a potential or actual violation of company policy in good faith, so do not be afraid to raise your concerns.
The Odebrecht Engineering & Construction’s Compliance team released the global campaign which aims to reinforce the importance of the Ethics Line Channel, an anonymous grievance mechanism for reporting unethical behavior or misconduct that violates OEC’s internal Policies, Directives and/or the current legislation.