Fundação Renova - OECOEC will be one of three companies responsible for the installation of pipes for the new pipeline in Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The construction of the new pipeline will create a total of 550 jobs at works peak, in the first semester of 2021. The jobs are: foreman assistant carpenter, bricklayer, builder, truck driver, equipment operator, plumber, mechanic, electrician, painter, welder and mason helper. The jobs are already available at Sine (National Employment System) of Governor Valadares for registration.

OEC will be responsible for installing pipes, crossings over rivers and streams, and water collection; Praeng Engenharia will take care of the crossings over railroads; and Remo Engenharia will be responsible for the work's transmission lines  (electricity). Renova Foundation will be responsible for supervising and managing the entire process. The hiring of each construction company followed a rigorous analysis of technical capacity, financial health and integrity, approved by Renova Foundation's governance, in order to allow the delivery with quality and technical accuracy.

All field activities are and will continue to follow a series of security measures to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, such as daily employees' temperature measurement, minimum distance of 1.5 meters between workers, intensification of equipment hygiene, mandatory use of masks, individualized meals, and other actions.

Governador Valadares' new pipeline will take water from the Corrente Grande River to the Water Treatment Plants (ETAs) of the districts of Santa Rita, Vila Isa and Central Region. It will be able to supply 900 liters of water per second, in order to serve the seat of the city of Governador Valadares under the terms of the TTAC (Transaction and Conduct Adjustment Term).


OEC will be one of three companies responsible for the installation of pipes for the new pipeline in Governador Valadares, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 
