On March 8 – the International Women's Day, some of OEC’s and Tenenge’s works paid tribute to all female members who make a difference in the day-to-day lives of construction sites and offices.
The Gas Sul Consortium honored the terminal's professionals through a series of videos with reports from the members, which were published throughout the month of March on YouTube and replicated by Tenenge's social medias.
Cabinda Refinery and Prosub held awareness lectures on important issues. "Care and prevention of cervical cancer" and "Feminicide and other types of violence against women" were the themes of the meetings, respectively.
The works of Ilha dos Pombos, Barra do Dande’s Ocean Terminal, Montes Claros Adductor System, Eastern Corridor Road (Ghana), IIRSA Sul and OLMOS (Peru), Industrial Projects (Salvador), and Industrial Projects (Triunfo-RS) also paid their homage.
At OEC, respect and appreciation for differences and human multiplicity is a premise. Get to know our Diversity & Inclusion Policy and learn how the company has been increasingly engaging in themes that elevate us in the search for full equity.
OEC’s and Tenenge’s works paid tribute to all female members who make a difference in the day-to-day lives of construction sites and offices.