Monitor independente conclui trabalhos OECOEC has successfully completed the period it was under the monitoring of representatives appointed by the United States Department of Justice (DoJ), in compliance with the commitments assumed in the leniency agreement signed in December 2016.

The independent monitors appointed by the DoJ certified that OEC and Novonor Group's compliance systems, including their policies and procedures, are designed and implemented to prevent and detect violations of anti-corruption laws. They was also able to verify that marked improvements were made in the control environment, correctly developed and properly incorporated into the general compliance system.

Among the improvements in terms of integrity and governance implemented globally in the company are the incorporation of independent directors with extensive experience; the installation of advisory committees in areas such as Integrity, Audit and Finance; the implementation of the Ethics Committee; institution of the functions of Chief Compliance Officer and Head of Internal Audit, which report directly and independently to the Board of Directors; the establishment of comprehensive measures for the prevention, detection and remediation of any actions that occur in disagreement with the company's new Integrity Policy; and the creation and availability of an Ethics Line, managed confidentially by an independent company.



The DoJ representatives followed the construction company's daily operation, recommended the implementation of improvements and now end activities after validating the results achieved.
