Rio de Janeiro state government has approved the results of the public bidding process for the construction of Novo Marapicú reservoir and five kilometers of water mains for Novo Guandu water production system in Nova Iguaçu, a municipality in Baixada Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro. The infrastructure is an investment by Cedae (Rio de Janeiro State Company for Water and Sewage). The structure is designed to have a storage capacity of 55,000 cubic meters and the construction will be carried out by OEC - Engenharia e Construção.

The purpose of the system is to increase the supply of treated water to Baixada Fluminense and ensure operational safety and flexibility to Guandu system, benefiting over 3 million people in the municipalities of Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias, São João de Meriti, Nilópolis and Belford Roxo, besides the capital city, Rio de Janeiro.

Details of the system - The treated water main, which is to run from Novo Guandu Water Treatment Plant to the reservoir, will measure 2.5 meters in diameter and extend approximately 3,900 meters. The distributor trunk, which interconnects the reservoir with the principal water main of Baixada Fluminense, will have 2.5 meters in diameter and the total length of approximately 1,000 meters. The overflow, which starts from the reservoir and flows into the canal at Rua Ingá, was designed with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a total length of 940 meters. All these structures shall be engineered using carbon steel. The construction work shall be monitored using BIM (Building Information Modeling), a set of processes and tools that simplifies and enables a deep digital transformation from the design stage to the asset management phase.

The construction period is 30 months and the estimated budget is BRL 278 million, which is expected to start in February 2023. At its peak production, the expected workforce is 400 people and about 46 pieces of equipment.

"We are excited about the opportunity to participate in a project with such a social impact for the people of Rio de Janeiro. We are proud to be part of this Cedae initiative with a direct impact on the health and welfare of millions of people," said OEC Contracts Director Rogério Dourado.


The structure includes a new reservoir with capacity for 55,000 cubic meters and nearly five kilometers of water mains.

Meta Description
The structure includes a new reservoir with capacity for 55,000 cubic meters and nearly five kilometers of water mains