On June 19, the Extraordinary General Meeting of OEC S.A. ("OEC") approved the election of Mr. André Fernandes Berenguer, who took office as Independent Member of the Board of Directors of OEC ("CA-OEC"), having also been appointed Coordinator of the Finance and Risk Committee ("CFR").

Berenguer has a solid professional and academic background. He graduated from Escola de Administração de Empresas da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, in São Paulo, and has attended finance and business management courses at institutions such as The Wharton School (USA), IESE School (Spain), CEIBS (China), Amsterdam Institute of Finance (Netherlands), among others, in addition to holding the IBGC certification for Board Members.

He started his career as a trainee in the financial area at Companhia Brasileira de Projetos e Obras (CBPO), in 1988, when the company already belonged to the Novonor Group. He worked at Tenenge, between 1993 and 1996, and migrated to the financial area in 1996, contributing with BBA Creditanstalt S.A., ING Wholesale Bank and Santander, acting at BR Properties, among other companies. As a member of the Board of Directors, Berenguer was a member of Light S.A. - where he was vice chairman of the Board -, Casa da Moeda do Brasil - acting as chairman of the Board -, Caixa Econômica Federal, Taesa S.A. and OTP S.A. Since 2020 he is a partner at Laplace Finanças, a financial advisory firm that works independently in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets (equity and debt), financial and corporate restructuring, and resource management.

With the investiture of the new Independent Board Member, CA-OEC will have the following composition: Héctor Núñez (Chairman), Daniel Bezerra Villar (Vice-Chairman), André Fernandes Berenguer (Independent Board Member), Bento Costa Lima Leite de Albuquerque Júnior (Independent Board Member), Hatem Ahmed El Sayed Soliman (Independent Board Member) and José Mauro Mettrau Carneiro da Cunha.


The Extraordinary General Meeting of OEC S.A. ("OEC") approved the election of Mr. André Fernandes Berenguer, who took office as Independent Member of the Board of Directors of OEC ("CA-OEC"), having also been appointed Coordinator of the Finance and Risk Committee ("CFR").


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new independent member