OEC's certificationOEC has just won the ISO 9001 and PBQP-H recertifications after an audit by Bureau Veritas. The assessments were completed in late 2020, overcoming the additional challenge of the pandemic, but without affecting the evidence of the high level of quality management system in contracts in Brazil and abroad.

In addition to extending the term of ISO 9001 certification, OEC also guaranteed the adhesion of the subsidiaries OECI S.A., CNO S.A., CBPO Engenharia Ltda. and Tenenge Engenharia Ltda. to the standard by 2023.

“This is the result of the efforts of several teams. The recertification process allowed us to give scope uniformity and enabled a higher level of competitiveness for all OEC's corporate vehicles,” said Marcelo Piller, responsible for Engineering, Innovation and Sustainability.

The scope of ISO 9001 covers the management, design, acquisition, civil construction, assembly, commissioning, start-up, technical assistance and maintenance in industrial, oil & gas and pipeline, petrochemical, mining, energy (hydroelectric, thermoelectric, lines transmission and substations), infrastructure (sanitation, irrigation, road works, highways, railways, tunnels, bridges and viaducts), port and dredging, airport, subway, BRTs and buildings, including hospitals.

Bureau Veritas audited 10 contracts, including BRT Transbrasil, UTE Santa Cruz and Prosub, in Rio de Janeiro, the Health Centers of PPP Saúde BH, in Belo Horizonte, NovaBR, in Belém, PR-092, in Curitiba, the Sertão Canal, in Alagoas, the Panama Metro and the Laúca Hydroelectric Plant, in Angola, and Industrial Projects. All projects went through the process with praise.

The contract evaluated for the PBQP-H standard was Prosub, in Rio de Janeiro. This achievement extends the validity of this certification by CNO S.A. until 2024, allowing the execution of road works, specials, as well as building and sanitation projects.



The assessments were completed in late 2020, overcoming the additional challenge of the pandemic, but without affecting the evidence of the high level of quality management system in contracts in Brazil and abroad.
