Odebrecht signs Collaboration Agreement with Peru

São Paulo – After signing two preparatory agreements in recent years, Odebrecht and the Peruvian Government formalized on February 15 the final agreement that establishes the foundation for the continuity of the company's cooperation with the country's justice system. For the Odebrecht Group this is another important milestone within a broad process of collaboration with the authorities of several countries, which has already brought effective results, helping to foster structural advances in the relationship between private and public initiative.

Tenenge obtains ISO 37001 anti-bribery certification

After five intense years enhancing internal processes and reformulating Integrity policies and guidelines, Tenenge - OEC's industrial engineering branch - has achieved ISO 37001 certification, a global standard for anti-bribery systems management. One of the first heavy construction business groups in Brazil to receive the seal, the company was audited by QMS Certification Services. The certification is valid for three years and includes the subsidiaries OECI, CNO, CBPO, Oenger, and Odebrecht Engenharia e Construção.